An improvement petition was brought to the Sand Hill River Watershed District. The project was designed to allow for the land near the City of Fosston to be developed as an industrial park. This project is also designed to improve the City of Fosston storm sewer system. There were two parts to the project
1. Place a 24 inch steel pipe six feet to the side of the existing 12” pipe at the same elevation under Highway # 2 and the railroad grade.
2. Reroute the existing drainage starting at the inlet at Slaughter House Lake, going east, then south, and then back west to the highway/railroad site. The reroute outlet will be upgraded to a 24” pipe and go around the perimeter of the area. This part is necessary to be able to utilize the site to its maximum. You can not construct improvements on top of a county ditch system which will be abandoned after completion of the reroute. The reroute will be at an .05 % grade.
All future maintenance is the responsibility of the City of Fosston.
Contact Information
City of Fosston
220 East First Street
PO Box 239
Fosston, MN 56542
Phone: 218-435-1959
Fax: 218-435-1961 -